With local, regional, and airport bus routes, you can get where you're going fast and hassle-free on RTD.Fares
Standard fare for bus and rail travel outside of the Airport Fare Zone.
Discount fare for all bus and rail travel.
Discounts and Passes
Discount fares apply to seniors 65+, individuals with disabilities, Medicare recipients and customers enrolled in LiVE. Proof of eligibility is required for all customers using discounted fare products. Active duty members of the U.S. military ride for free on all RTD services, as do youths age 19 and under as part of the Zero Fare for Youth pilot program.
Learn About FaresFacilities

More Information
How to Ride the Bus
transportation. Our easy six-step How to Ride guide covers everything you'll need to know to ride the bus, plus a few tips and tricks that make riding even easier.
How to Ride: BusService Alerts
When special events, construction or maintenance interfere with our schedule, we want you to know about it. Here you will find information on detours, delays, stop closures, elevator outages and other issues that may affect your route or station.
Service Alerts